

Become an Affiliate

We will not compete with you. Your clients remain your clients.

At Inherent Risks, we value our affiliates and work with them to offer a seamless solution to their clients, with a reputable provider, which they can be proud of. An affordable, medical evacuation and crisis response solution with an integrated assistance and claims capability, tailored specifically for the unique complex risks associated with (re)entering Ukraine and (re)establishing operations, which has been tried and tested.

Through our Affiliate Programme, you will be given a unique Affiliate Link to send to your clients. You will also receive a unique Username and Password, and at any time you will have the capability to log-in to your online Dashboard. From there you will be able to view any Members you have referred, the amount of competitive brokerage/commission you have earned, and you will be able to download a live bordereau for your records

Get in Touch

Let’s discuss how Inherent Risks can enhance your product and service offering.

Please email partnerships@inherentrisks.com and a member of our Partnerships team will be in touch.